1.  Buy any products ( Gold Bar, Dinar, Silver, Jewellery or combination of all). Total buy is RM 20,000 in a single receipt.
  2. Call 012-2226406 (me) to get the configure and then LOCK the price.
  3. Public Fine Gold International Sdn. Bhd will directly call you once you have agreed to be a dealer.
  4. Make payment after Sales Order sent to you via email to the Public Fine Gold International Sdn. Bhd. (Maybank : 507134241707 or Public Bank : 3148136630)
  5. Collect the Gold at nearest branch  at your town(check http://  or you can let me post you securely.
  6. Then, you are dealer and manage to get 1.5% on your sale upward. If you rercruit others, 0.5% from their sale will be directly credited to your account.
  7. Use IT to boost your business (web, blog,twitter,facebook,email,,etc...)
  8. Hurry..